Saturday, 13 January 2007

An emotional day

Today I am sad and dulled and failed.

So today I'll find the successes.

I've moved a wardrobe and a bookcase as part of our ongoing project to sleep upstairs and shout downstairs. I managed not to smash the mirror or get wedged in between the bookcase and the door, and I haven't locked myself in the toilet again because the door handle's dropped off. I've not melted my shoes on the oven and I've not electrocuted myself. I managed to get the marble out from under the wardrobe. I did order the history books from the Book People now they're cheap. I have subscribed to the Felicity Wishes Fairy Club. This is, of course, not for me but for the ladies. I got Tiger to her violin lesson. I cleared the landing of bags, nearly, and rummaged about again in the eaves to create storage space. That was very brave because it is dark and there are spiders. I have not been pulled over by the police and no walls or ceilings have fallen in today. The boiler has not broken down. My hair has not caught fire and my shoes have not been stolen.

So I can count today as a success.

I won't ever forget the poor bloke near us who went into the woods and hanged himself because the oven wouldn't work. The oven works today, except for the door, and I won't go near the woods at night time thanks to the doggers.

A success, indeed.

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