Surprisingly, Shark's is the deciding vote on room management. But it means she gets the new spare bed.
We have a choice on the spare bed. A chair that folds out to a mattress that folds back into a chair. Or a folding bed with wheels. Shark says the wheelie bed looks like a fun place to sleep. She points out that it is available in many colours, and discounts my argument that it looks like Ikea stole it from a hospital ward.
She loses. Four votes in favour of the fold out chair mattress. One vote for the wheelie bed.
The fold out chair mattress is only available in pink or yellow. As the arguments for and against are delivered, Squirrel throws her weight around, literally, on her routine destruction test.
Pink wins the vote, 4 to 1.
Tiger's decisive argument is that it will be the most amusing thing ever to see Shark sleep on a girly pink bed (and preferably one with a pink fairy duvet cover).
We console the scowling Shark and suggest on the journey home she can consider the opinion that democracy never seems to serve the interests of minority groups.
Democracy is never quite as good as you think it should be lol! However you could let Shark make a blue cover for the dreaded pink ;-) Our foldout chair has legs and a stripey cover . . .
Ahh consensus is tricky!
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