Sunday 31 October 2010

Stop everything and watch Mr Panda

I know I shouldn't be rolling about clutching my sides like a ten year old but I am. Just shut up, OK? And if you get the ads, turn them off, because I can't. (Except for the ad about the cheese, obviously. Just forgive me.)

(It's especially for Ellibee)


Green V-Neck said...

Why do I feel a compulsion to go buy cheese now??

Deb said...

I feel a compusion to put on an identity-hiding suit and go on a destructive rampage. But sure, I guess we could stop and get some cheese.

sharon said...

One of the little dears in my charge over the past few days could have been that Panda - but without the redeeming suit!

Grit said...

there are times here when we are overcome by panda cuteness (and i recommend ocean park for the kiddles!) so it comes as a great pleasure to see they really have a vicious evil streak.

Allie said...

Thank you, Grit. That was very much needed.

Elibee said...

I am crying with laughter at six in the morning, I can't stop and now I've woken everyone up even the budgies so bang goes my first quiet coffee. I am going to visit Mr Panda and throw something at him for denying me silent coffee!!!