Sunday 27 October 2013

Off with the KnickerDrawers

Stall at the uber trendy Best Made Local craft! spectacular!

I was most impressed by the blacksmith on the stall next to me, sporting Raybans and stripy tee-shirt. If you passed her in the street you'd swear she didn't have enough weight behind her almost-zero size to raise a salad bowl, let alone bash hot metal in a forge while swinging a hammer over an anvil.

But after a long day spent in the company of this amazingly crafty lot I am more convinced than ever that my destiny is standing behind stalls selling my handmade beauties to the most wonderful of people. My delightful notebooks bring the stories out of them all, and that's the best of it. I heard tales of secret affairs and sewing patterns, Roman bones and camper vans, sweet teeth and wild places.

Inspiration for another KnickerDrawer NoteBook, every one.

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