First, catch the ferry to Central. It's relaxing, I promise. Nothing to do but stare out to the harbour passing by.
Then run and catch the bus, number 15, Pier 4. But DO NOT sit in our favourite seats otherwise we will stare at you with menacing scowls and mutter curses at you under our breath.
Ha! Good choice. Now you can relax!
The number 15 winds towards the Peak; I recommend you double-check the seat belt, and let's pray the driver didn't turn up at 5am saying I can have a go at that! Drank 18 cans of Stoutbeer until 2am when my girlfriend threw me out. The eye injury? Nothing.
Phew! Arrived safely!
We must stop here for general fooling about and redeeming the monkey stickers. (That won't make any sense, but you opted to come with us today. Now this is what it's like.)
Enough of a rest! Now, WALK.
This is excellent bum and thigh exercise. And if Hong Kong weren't so polluted it would be a great view.
Five minute rest, then off we go again...
Here you are! The gardens at the top of the Peak! The grown ups might loll about somewhere.
But the feral kids can climb trees, whittle wood into spears, and strew leaves all over the pavilions because this is a hide out. Just make sure you dodge the park wardens. They have a mean Chinese stare.
So! Three hours runabout! Feeling better? Now you can call this next stage orienteering, because you must find your own way back to Central. Take the tram, bus, minibus, taxi, or walk.
If you get lost, we can always wait for you at the ferry.
The Peak was one of my very favorite places in HK.
Thanks for the grand day out - and I don't feel at all worn out either ;-)
Takes me right back. I spent many a childhood day playing in those Mount Austin gardens. Beautiful.
Alternative title "Walks we have done so you don't have to."
Arm chair travel
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