I do not know why we do it. It takes two hours, we invariably split up in five directions, I get fleeced, the kids lose all sense of responsibility over twenty dollars, and Dig is extruded from the other end starving and short tempered.
And it is not as if we buy much that is useful. This time, a splat ball shaped like an egg (Dig) a picture of a bee (Squirrel), another watch (Tiger), a hair comb (Shark) and an extremely beautiful and classy handbag that was a total bargain and nothing should be said against it, and No it does not make me look like I am carrying a dead zebra under my arm, now shut up (Grit).
Maybe we just do it so we can say, We survived the crawl through Mong Kok. And yes, the bags are a bit pricey but who in their right mind could refuse a sales patter that began Hello Missy Missy Beautiful Missy?
I vote for a photo of the dead zebra bag ;-)
Me too!
Is the market really called Mong Kok? My dh has not stopped laughing yet. I'd like to see the dead zebra bag too :)
okay, i will do a photo shoot of my armpit holding the zebra.
and if you like, you can consider me thus: powerful and graceful, like a lioness in flight.
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