Here's Grit, passing on the news and great drama of her day spent home-educating her kids, finding OFSTED has donkey's ears, and cleaning that lovely kitchen sink, when she has to stop everything.
She receives this in her inbox. And this mail, which you will probably receive very shortly, if you have not already done so, is so very wonderfully good.
We are looking for someone to get the children ready in the morning, prepare and clear up the family's breakfast, make the beds, and take the children to school, which is about a 1.5km walk away. The au pair would then need to pick them up at 3.20 and look after them until we get home. We will ask the au pair to babysit 1-2 evenings a week. We have a really great cleaner, so there wouldn't be any heavy housework. There is a bit of light cleaning and laundry which would take about 90 minutes a day in total. There would be plenty of time free in the day to go to language school, and there are a lot of good ones in the area.
If you agree to take the position you shall be paid 2500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Pounds Monthly) and shall be given a weekly pocket money of 500 pounds. Your residence shall be comfortably furnished within the Company housing estate. We are comfortable here as Shell pays us well however we cannot work effectively and take care of our kids hence our solicitation to you to come and Nanny for us.
Look at that pay! And all for taking the kids to school! I might make a few demands round here regarding my salary.
But as I am sadly otherwise engaged and cannot take up this wonderful offer, possibly located by sending all my bank details somewhere in Nigeria, I could nominate a couple of other worthy candidates.
Crikey - I think I need to change jobs...but hold on, that's what I do already. Boo hoo. Why don't I get paid for it?? Think I may start a revolution somewhere (in my mind possibly) :-(
That would be a perfect job for me, can you send me more details?
I always thought au pairs are getting 300 Euros (here) and are exploited as hell because the families use them as housemaids and babysitters round the clock, so what kind of a story is THAT? Milliardaire Russians perhaps?
Or girl dealers?
I only seem to get offers for viagra via email. Hubby says I should take the mystery person up on the offer and see what it does to my nipples......
Still trying to figure out how Elizabeth Hurley figures into all this - that's right I caught it!
Wow, what a salary! How do I sign up?
hi MT, the scam is so beautifully put, though isn't it? they missed out 'use of gym and car' which is one demand a prospective au pair used here in the expectation of getting into the grit household.
nora, they still wouldn't pay you enough! you are worth a million!
yes, angela, they are exploited, and if only we had got a chance, we would probably have exploited them as well. the last au pair we had rang rings round us; she got Dig to take her to the pub, managed to get me to wait on her hand and foot and sent Tiger bonkers. Never Again.
you are right kelly, i sometimes fancy i would like to bait the scammers and waste their time, and i would, but it would so waste my time too!
hi rachel! elizabeth hurley was the au pair who sent us all mad. in a way, she was better than sasha, who locked herself in the cellar by accident overnight. How was I to know she hadn't just gone to bed early? it wasn't a good start.
hi, modern mother! i think the words are 'too good to be true' no? i have half a mind to accept and draw out the scam as far as possible.
you're right. It must be scam. Unless the dad's an MP.. in children and schools, perhaps?! :D
tsk tsk mamacrow, you norty provocative home educator, you.
lol, I'm duley chastised :D
I'm also mildly impressed that I can be provocative while looking like a beached whale! go me!
Send them my cv, would you?
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