These are the ladders going up to the roof in the schoolroom.
Shark: What is daddy doing?
Squirrel: Roosting.
Tiger: Roosting. He's a bat.
Squirrel: He's a bat that sits upside down at his computer and now he's going to the roof.
Tiger: He's going up to the roof to roost.
Shark: What is he doing with that hammer?
Tiger: Catching insects.
Of course, daddy Dig could not possibly be putting up the lights that he bought from Ikea last June, and which have been sitting on the floor of the schoolroom since.
The very same lights which Grit has asked of, at least once a week, 'When are you putting up these lights? If you don't put up these lights soon, I will take them down the tip.'*
*Incidentally, that is a Grit Pointless Threat number 14.
Ah... like my husbands air compressor that is about 5ft tall that stood in my living room for 3 months when hubby said it would be there 3 days "at the most dear!"
Love the view of the room though!
I've been grumbling about, oh lots of things actually.
But one of them is the jumpers. He gets dressed upstairs, and puts a jumper on. Comes downstairs and after a while is hot so sheds jumper. Not neatly but heaping it somewhere in the way. End of day goes upstairs and goes to bed.
Next morning. He gets dressed upstairs, and puts a jumper on. Comes downstairs and after a while is hot so sheds jumper. Not neatly but heaping it somewhere in the way. End of day goes upstairs and goes to bed.
Next morning. He gets dressed upstairs, and puts a jumper on. Comes downstairs and after a while is hot so sheds jumper. Not neatly but heaping it somewhere in the way. End of day goes upstairs and goes to bed.
We then have about 5 jumpers lying about the hallway, dining room and kitchen. All heaped untidily. I go bollistic and say can't you take your jumpers upstairs!!
End of day I go to bed. Jumpers are headed (together) on chair in bedroom.
Next day. I have come up with a solution that doesn't require him to change behaviour as that is clearly impossible. But. If he has just one jumper the routine would be:
Day one. He gets dressed upstairs, and puts a jumper on. Comes downstairs and after a while is hot so sheds jumper. Not neatly but heaping it somewhere in the way. End of day goes upstairs and goes to bed.
Day two. He gets dressed upstairs, and can't find his jumper to put on. Retrieves jumper from downstairs.
Result. Only one jumper at any one time left heaped on floor somewhere. It's especially annoying if it's a dark one on the slate floor so you don't see it until after you've tripped over it but one is an improvement.
He's not keen on the jumper reduction programme.
Sorry for turning a comment into a blog post. :-)
It's a man thing, Grits. Clearly, as superior beings, WE would never behave in such a manner...
(must go off and start filling those scrap books - for the boys - that have been lying around for months)
Floor to ceiling books, I love
I have got a blog award for you and if you pop over to mine you can pick it up if you like XXX
hi kelly jene - we need to form a list, clearly, for 'men things left about the house'. an air compressor is pretty impressive and beats a set of ceiling lights.
dear michelle, we have clearly touched a nerve here... would tank tops be a solution? might they stay safely in the wardrobe? what about thermal vests? could that be a promising line of inquiry?
and of course potty mummy, women never leave things lying about. if they do, they are not just lying about, they are awaiting organisation, which is different.
lynn, you are kind; i promise to get over the slight technical hitch which afflicts me too!
No, you've got it all wrong! Try saying, 'when are you going to put up these lights? Hmm, well I think I'll have a go at doing it', i never see my husband move so fast as when he sees me careering towards a brush with DIY or electrical appliances...
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