Well, the sight of that whipped up a bit of excitement round here. In fact Tiger suggested giving those Normans a taste of their own medicine and went off into the garden to invent a bow and arrow.
In case you are wondering, she is using the puffin as target practice.
That was interesting. Poor Harold.
I've been trying to work out how to post/link (/) to Youtube. I've gone and bothered all the techie/geeky friends I know for help. If I figure it out I'll let you know - If you make any head way - pls share !
hi brad! dig says when you have the 'create post' window, click on the tab which reads Edit html. On the YouTube site of the video you want, there is a window which reads 'Embed'. Copy the stuff there and paste into your html version of the post. then clip back on your normal 'compose' setting. the html is invisible at this point but works fine in preview mode.
phew. for a moment there it all made perfect sense.
Excellent! I've nicked it now :-)
I've swiped it, too:o))
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