Friday 11 September 2009

Ed Balls, these are the sort of people I trust with my children

You know, thanks to the vetting and barring database, there's a lot of suspicion around right now about people - the same people who until a few days ago were just doing their normal goodwill favours, or their normal, routine, help-out-the-community-jobs.

Those are the same people who you would hand over your child to without a moment's thought, and perhaps it never occurred to you - until Delyth Morgan spoke up on BBC Radio 4 - that these people would do anything other than drop off your kids at the sports hall or feed them baked bins from a tin.

But now, thanks to the withering plague hands laid out on our heads from this government of death, we parents are being invited to look at each other and question, to really ask ourselves, I know that person appears helpful, but that's not normal, is it? Someone helping my child? Only a pervert would do that. That's it. Proof. Now I KNOW they're going to rape and murder my child and leave their dismembered bodies scattered over the village green and we can assume dropping kids at the sports hall is just a cover for that intent.

So while the government comes up with this big scare, it also comes up with the answer. What can we all be made safe with? A nice new database. I would like to know what is the relationship between this government and the folks running Capita, because they must be enjoying a boom time in the behind the scenes supply of management information services. And even if we didn't really want a national ID scheme, we're more or less acquiring one, just by other means.

With these thoughts in mind, I take Shark, Squirrel and Tiger to a workshop on sound, in a village hall somewhere in England.

And this workshop is run by Jilly, who is possibly the most deliriously batty person you have met in a long time. Jilly may hum, spontaneously. Because Jilly is into healing sounds, deep sounds, and a resonant chakra balancing. With a lot of incense.

And Ed, I have no qualms at all about Jilly maintaining frequent and intensive contact with Shark, Squirrel and Tiger.

Even when she admits, with a wonderful laid back smile on her face, that last time she did this circle sound thing with candles, she set herself on fire.


Maire said...

Nice. :)

Mieke said...

I suppose if it's up to Balls, rather than trusting people who are kind, caring and sharing to children, we should put our children's lives into the hands of politicians, who slam the door into the face of their own toddler when she comes crying to her Mummy, while her Mummy is trying to win votes in a telephone interview.

Grit said...

thank you, maire!

i read this mieke; the media here sympathetically suggests that is a winning sort of admission. i guess if she was a straightforward working class girl who dropped her haitches and said she put a blanket over her head to blot out her child crying, they'd have social services round.

Mieke said...

Exactly my thoughts, Grit. In my mind's eye I'd replaced the honourable Yvet with a single mother on the phone to her promising new love. Social services and the rest of the world would have her on the slaughter block. :(