10.00 Get Squirrel sorted at the lake for a soaking in a canoe.
10.30 Home to say goodbye to Oo.
11.00 Have a quiet cry.
11.45 Deflect argument about a bat.
12.00 Pick up Squirrel from a canoe, get over to see a man and his eagles in a field. Find out about buzzards, kestrels, owls and sharp beaks.
1.00 Deflect argument about a piece of tissue paper.
1.15 Throw bread rolls at everyone while making a telephone booking for Tiger to attend an art workshop next Monday.
2.00 Arrive at the drop-in session at the art gallery to 'develop ideas about place and the community' and not muck about with printing ink. Or have a fight at the sink over who gets the tap first.
4.00 Buy things in Waitrose! With three kids! And leave with DIGNITY! HAHAHAHA! I did it! I DID IT!
4.50 Deflect argument about windscreen.
6.00 Cook food.
6.45 Deflect argument about glue.
8.00 Arrive at Buddhist temple to listen to the chanting. Try and guard against Squirrel, Shark and Tiger making an unseemly grab for the candles which are carried to be floated away on the lake after dark.
10.00 Arrive home. Deflect argument about snow leopard. Get everyone into bed.
I list these events here because on some days any one of these actions would be an achievement so great I would want to climb up the back of the old sofa in the attic room and shout it all out to the neighbours from the advantage point of the dormer windows. I probably do, when a bit unhinged and Dig can't reach my ankles quick enough.
And on those overwhelming days when I can barely crawl, or when pressing the button on the dishwasher is a step too far, I can look back at this bloggy record day and be grateful. Because not only can I think that when the wind is travelling in the right direction, I can do it, I can also hope that no August 6 is ever going to be as bad as the one that went before.
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