I should not be this delighted at Squirrel's decision. But I am. So I am keeping it quiet.
Squirrel tells me that she has, for now, decided to hang up her ballet shoes and take a break from ballet. I nod, look sympathetic, say I understand, and that I am very proud she makes her decisions so carefully.
Inside I am turning cartwheels of joy. Because I no longer have to suffer the weekly ballet torture or be stared at in uncomprehending disbelief by the ballet mums because I do not talk sparkle hairgrip language.
And the end of year dance show? Off the agenda. Crack open the champagne. (But shhh! Don't let the cork pop, because Squirrel might hear.)
We're just enduring the last week of ballet here too.
But what if there's another shoe to drop? What will be taking the place of ballet? Could be Sumo wrestling for all you know.
Your girls are adorable. Can they be adorable at this age? Well, they are anyhow.
I won't let Squirrel know that you are happy. I'm sure it will take a load off of your plate though!
It'll be pole dancing next you know! And that'll teach you to gloat over the demise of the ballet lessons.
I'm with Brad - what else does she have up her sleeve??
I had this special joy at the start of this year. I have to admit that I'd written the school a letter saying it was going to be the last term anyway because I just couldn't face it any more and I hadn't exactly hidden my contempt for the whole exercise from dd. BUT she decided not to go to the first lesson of term, and then the second, and so it has continued. No more ballet! :-)
If I'd known what a royal PITA it was going to be I would never, never have agreed to it in the first place. So this is my advice to all parents of little girls. Buy her the princess dressing up clothes and enough pink, glittery stuff to choke a horse but draw the line at ballet if you value your sanity!
LOVE the drawing - really good. the leaning on the frame is excellent!
My youngest does ballet, she loves it, but I too would rather stay at home with a nice steaming cup of Tea.
ps. Sharon's comment about the pole dancing really made me laugh (sorry)....snigger!
My girl gave up ballet last summer, after six long years. I usually sent her in with a scruffy plait rather than the perfect bun she was supposed to have (we were either a)rushing in at the last minute or b)I couldn't be arsed)- I'm obviously not cut out to be a 'ballet mom' X
I felt just the same when Tall Girl gave up, hee hee! Enjoy!!!
hello people! thank you for your comments! but now i am dreading the pole dancing / sumo wrestling phase.
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