This is not the result of Grit's new profession, this is the fault of Ed Balls.
Just in case you are lagging behind, dear reader, I'll quickly let you know that the scheming Ed Balls and the world's foremost expert Mr Badman cooked up a review into home education that basically says, WAIT A MINUTE! YOU HOME EDUCATORS ARE HAVING FUN! IT IS NOT STATE APPROVED! YOU MUST BE STOPPED!
On publication, Grit immediately soars off to Planet RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION and resolves to SHOW THE WORLD WHAT FUN HOME ED IS.
Thus today's PE lesson. Normally this means shove Shark on a dingy, Squirrel in a dance class and Tiger on a horse. Then leg it to the lakeside cafe to loll about in a leather armchair drinking Pimm's.
Thanks to her recent injection of righteousness, Grit says we are going to show Mr Balls what fun we home educators can have ON A BIKE and then we are going to be taken by ambulance over to his house and die on his front lawn.
Because Grit's home education version of PE FUN is to cycle approximately one thousand miles via Abu Dhabi on a bike with a non-springing saddle to arrive at a local festival for this evening's performance by Cock and Bull.*
And here it is. Not photographs of my bottom, obviously. Although if, in the next two weeks, you happen to cruise around the world's goriest medical sites displaying hideously deformed bottoms, you might just cop a look.
I'm not making this up, you know. Great Linford Waterside Festival is here, and over here is the highly recommended Cock and Bull.
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