Let's just say things are becoming a little tense in this household right now.
It is all Dig's fault. He is recording a presentation in his office and must have absolute silence. Fat chance. I am engaged in full warfare over a pair of brown boots and the Frankenstein dollies. They are bloody well not coming, so don't ask.
And as for the good people of South America, they will watch that video presentation wondering what all the background screaming is about. Mid way through that very important section about commas will be the furious screaming and disembodied cry, I WANT MY ROCKETDOGS!
So here is a picture of something calming, which will have to do until Aunty Dee's silent knitting practice establishes some sort of order in this house.
You have a very odd idea of what a calming picture is. Where in the world did you find that? Dig needs to sound proof his room. Does Aunty Dee teach the girls knitting?
hi irene! you are right, it's not very calming, but we're in a state of tension here, so compared to that, it's like an ocean of peace! and it comes from our local museum. can you believe that? it's family friendly. and yes, aunty dee has a calming influence on the gritlets. they all sit with her, like in a knitting circle. i wish i could have an effect like that.
Good luck with the knitting. I just spent 4 days in hospital where i knitting a pair of socks to pass the time.
Just realised, while you are in HK we will be in the same time zone! Probably as close as we will get unless you visit Western Australia too.....
hi sharon! well, we go from HK to sydney shortly after ... sadly though we are not in perth, otherwise you and trevor would know about it! x
I don't s'pose you get to Nz she says hopefully?
OH POOOO. WA is much better than those Eastern states you know. The natives (transplanted or otherwise) are also very welcoming. You'll just have to make another trip.
hi katherine, sorry, no! but i can assure you that nz is the top of tiger's worldwide hit list, so anything is possible.
well i hope we do make another trip sharon! life is filled with surprising turns and travels, is it not?
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